Featured Plugins
Internationalize Vuze v1.4.8 released 8 years ago
Modify/Create the Vuze language files.
Media Server Plugin v0.5.7 released 8 years ago
The Media Server Plugin provides a simple UPnP Media Server interface.
AZCVSUpdater, A CVS Build Updater v3.1.4 released 9 years ago
This plugin helps manage Vuze beta snapshot releases by automating the process of checking for new builds, downloading them and installing them (and more!).
Vuze Feature Manager v1.3 released 11 years ago
Normally installed via auto-update.
Azureus Core Plugins v2.1.4
This contains the Tracker Web Templates and IRC Client plugins.
Azureus platform-specific support
Normally installed via auto-update.
Azureus Update Support v1.9.2
Normally installed via auto-update.
Location Provider v0.1.7.7 released 8 years ago
Provides location features to Vuze (e.g. peer's country code).
RSS Feed Scanner v1.5.3 released 8 years ago
An RSS feed parser that allows unattended, automated download of torrents by means of advanced feed filter configurability.
Mainline DHT v1.5.9 released 8 years ago
Mainline DHT.
RSS Feed Downloader (ScaneRSS) v0.9.9.20161117 released 8 years ago
ScaneRSS is a plugin application that reads RSS feeds and allows for automatic torrent download from these feeds by use of filters (rule sets).
Download Deleter and Starter v1.5 released 8 years ago
Automatically deletes downloads based on share ratio.
uTP Support v0.5.6 released 9 years ago
Normally installed via auto-update.
Command Runner v1.3.2 released 9 years ago
Run a configurable command on the completion of a download.
Auto-Pilot v0.5.2 released 9 years ago
AutoPilot manages seeding by allowing users to place individual ratio quotas on every torrent.
JavaScript Provider v0.2.2 released 9 years ago
Provides JavaScript features to Vuze for automation purposes.
Auto Categorizer v1.2.3 released 10 years ago
Rule-based automatic torrent categorization plugin.
Speed Scheduler v1.6.2 released 10 years ago
Schedule your upload and download speeds based on time and day of week.
Upload Shaper v1.0.2 released 10 years ago
Automatically adjust global upload speed limit based on download speed * factor.
Torrent Guard v1.1.2 released 10 years ago
Torrent Guard helps to identify fake torrents.
Tracker URL Adder v0.1.1 released 10 years ago
Add a set of trackers to multiple downloads.
Torrent Maker v0.1.1 released 10 years ago
Create multiple torrents in one action.
Save Path v1.2.2 released 10 years ago
Control the save location of download.
Peer Injector v0.4.1 released 10 years ago
Peer Injector.
Offline Downloader v0.2.2 released 10 years ago
Offline downloader - automatically transfer downloads to your server.
Download Focus Plugin v0.3.1 released 10 years ago
Focuses download activity.
LAN Peer Scanner v0.86 released 10 years ago
Finds peers for downloads within a LAN.
Stopped Torrent Auto-starter v1.7.1 released 10 years ago
Auto start stopped torrents after 'x' minutes.
Vuze Configuration Backup v1.1.3 released 10 years ago
Backup your Vuze configuration.
Category Changer v0.2.2 released 10 years ago
Automatically changes the categories of torrents based on download status.
AzCatDest v0.0.2 released 10 years ago
Category based download folders.
File Auto Relocator v0.3.2 released 10 years ago
Automatically relocate missing files.
Anti-Throttle v0.3.3 released 10 years ago
Take various actions to attempt to avoid bandwidth throttling.
Auto Seeder v0.1.2 released 10 years ago
Automatically seeds files based on the contents of torrent and data directories.
AzCron (an Azureus Task Scheduler) v0.5.4 released 11 years ago
AzCron is a plugin which allows you to configure tasks to be run repeatedly at specific times.
Status Mailer v0.18 released 11 years ago
Sends an email via SMTP when a download starts and/or completes.
Auto Stopper v2.0.4 released 12 years ago
Community-friendly implementation of an upload limiter.
Subtitle Downloader v0.3 released 13 years ago
Automatically download subtitles for movies.
File Auto Priority Setter v1.0.2 released 13 years ago
Easily assign numeric file priorities.
Console Scheduler v0.2.4 released 14 years ago
Console Scheduler allows schedule based manipulation of Vuze downloading and seeding.
Jython Plugin v0.6.5 released 14 years ago
Embedded Jython interpreter.
Lockr v0.12 released 14 years ago
Lockr: restricting access to your content with social torrents.
RSS Import v2.2.2 released 14 years ago
This plugin reads an rss feed and imports the torrent files into azureus, according to the filters you set.
Boss Key
Define a "Boss Key" to quickly hide Vuze
Multi-Port Trackers v1.0
Some over-loaded trackers use multiple ports to handle announces.
SafePeer vunsupported
This plugin allows you to use SafePeer to import a list of IPs to block to the IpFilter from some database (by default the one of PeerGuardian) Forums & Bug Report.
Vuze iTunes Integration
Normally installed automatically.
Vuze Transcoder
Normally installed automatically.
Windows Start/Stop Transfer Commands
Windows executables for starting and stopping transfers.
Zeroconf Peer Advertising and Discovery v0.2
Uses Zeroconf (Bonjour) to seek peers on the both the Local Link Network and on configured Domains.
More Info & User-friendliness
Swarm Discoveries v0.5.19 released 8 years ago
Swarm Discoveries and Search
Country Locator v1.8.9 released 8 years ago
Adds a column identifying the peer country in the details view
Rating v1.5.19 released 9 years ago
Lets users rate and comment on torrents.
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) v0.2 released 9 years ago
Internet measurement tools from M-Lab.
Extra Downloading/Seeding Columns v1.3.4 released 10 years ago
Adds several new columns to give additional downloading and seeding information.
Status Icon v1.2 released 10 years ago
Skinnable status icon column.
Progress Bar v0.2.4 released 10 years ago
Adds a graphical progress bar column to MyTorrents.
Share Exporter v0.4.1 released 10 years ago
Exports torrents for shared resources to a directory.
FireFrog v1.0.2 released 10 years ago
A simple FireFox-style download manager.
DHT Scraper v0.1.1 released 10 years ago
Distributed Database (DHT) torrent scraper.
Advanced Statistics v2.0.3 released 12 years ago
Displays advanced statistics per torrent.
Highcharts Statistics Demo v0.1 released 12 years ago
Demonstration of Highcharts based statistics.
Global Information Status Entry v1.6 released 14 years ago
Global download information status bar indicator.
Monitoring Plugin v0.4.2 released 14 years ago
This plugin uses JMX to display JVM information about memory usage, memory pools, memory managers, garbage collection, classes, just-in-time compiler, threads and more.
NEWS - Network Early Warning System v2.0.1 released 14 years ago
Allows your Vuze client to monitor the Internet (and your ISP).
Torrent Name Utils v1.0 released 14 years ago
Rename downloads based on the torrent file.
3D View
3D View of the swarm.
Snarl Plugin
This plugin allows pop-up alerts generated by Vuze to be displayed through the Snarl notification system.
Remote Access
Vuze Web Remote v0.6.5 released 8 years ago
This plugin supports the Vuze Web Remote interface.
Telnet Access v0.0.3 released 10 years ago
This plugin lets you control Azureus via Telnet.
Azureus HTML WebUI v0.7.7 released 10 years ago
A remote control interface in HTML and Javascript.
Azureus HTML WebUI Beta (Unstable) v1.0.2 released 10 years ago
A remote control interface in HTML and Javascript.
AzSMRC - Multiuser Remote Control v1.0.0 released 14 years ago
AzSMRC is a two part remote control and multi-user system for Azureus.
Windows Internet Explorer Torrent Bar v0.1.4 released 14 years ago
A Windows Internet Explorer toolbar plugin.
XML over HTTP v1.1.7 released 14 years ago
This plugin lets you control Azureus using an XML over HTTP remote interface.
iZureus - iPhone Web Interface v0.1
A fully functional iPhone web interface.
PHP Control Layer
Interface for Azureus written in PHP.
Python Library
Python Library.
VPN Helper v5.2 released 8 years ago
For AirVPN, PIA, Mullvad VPNs. This plugin monitors your network's state and ensures Vuze is properly connected to your VPN.
I2P Helper v0. released 8 years ago
Provides connectivity via the I2P network.
Tor Helper v0.9.2 released 8 years ago
Provides backup connectivity via the Tor network.
Tor Browser
Provides a Tor Browser for use within Vuze.
WebTorrent Support
Provides support for WebTorrent peers within Vuze.
Developer Samples
Wiki Service Demo v0.2 released 9 years ago
Example code to create a simple web service.
Column Example 2 v1.2 released 13 years ago
Adds a graphical share ratio column.
Column Example 1 v1.1 released 14 years ago
This sample adds 3 columns to Azureus.
Example v1.0
Lists torrent files from a directory.
Sample Main View v1.0
Opens a view on the main azureus window at startup
Sample Main View via Table v1.0
Opens a view on the main azureus window when a user clicks a menu item on the My Torrents view
Dasu v5.31 released 11 years ago
ISP Performance Analyser.
SwarmScreen v0.5 released 13 years ago
This plugin makes it harder for an attacker to figure out your downloading habits in BitTorrent by hiding your real BitTorrent traffic in a sea of connections to randomly selected torrents.
Ono v2.3 released 13 years ago
This is an experimental plugin that uses CDN redirection information to identify nearby peers and potentially accelerate downloads.
[Discouraged] Swing Web Interface v1.7.4 released 11 years ago
Use of this plugin is discouraged. Use Vuze Web Remote instead.
Deprecated: I2P Network Plugin (deprecated, see the I2P Helper Plugin) v0.3.3 released 11 years ago
Deprecated: The I2P Network Plugin allows use of the I2P anonymous network.
Deprecated: Cubit Search v0.35 released 14 years ago
Deprecated: Decentralised search plugin.
Deprecated: P4P (standalone) v0.3.2 released 14 years ago
Deprecated: P4P Standalone Plugin
Deprecated: Yale Instrumentation Plugin v0.5 released 14 years ago
Deprecated: Yale Instrumentation Plugin
Deprecated: P4P (package)
Deprecated: P4P Plugin Package
RSS/Subscription to Chat Publisher v0.4.1 released 8 years ago
Supports automatic publishing of RSS feeds and Subscriptions to Chat channels.
Message Sync Support v0.7.8 released 8 years ago
Provides a message synchronization service.
Distributed Database Trusted Feed v0.4.3 released 10 years ago
The Distributed Database Trusted Feed supports the publishing of, and subscription to, content.
RSS Feed Generator v0.1.2 released 10 years ago
Automatically generate RSS feeds from downloads.
Chat v1.9.1 released 10 years ago
Lets users chat by creating 1 channel per torrent.
Team Seeder v0.1.3 released 10 years ago
Helps seed torrents that are tracked by Azureus when there are a dedicated team of seeders.
Twitter Plugin v0.3.1 released 11 years ago
Tweet your downloads.
Instant Messaging Notifications v1.0.4 released 14 years ago
Instant messaging notifications for your torrents.
AzBlog v1.0
The MetaWeblog-compatible plugin.
BitTorrent IRC Bot v2.2.3
This plugin for Azureus works as an IRC bot.