Plugins > Core: Azureus Core Plugins

Azureus Core Plugins v2.1.4

Requires Vuze or higher.
This contains the Tracker Web Templates and IRC Client plugins.
Tracker web pages can be customised by extracting them from the plugin JAR file and placing them in a directory called "web" under the Azureus user-data directory.
When extracting them ensure that the prefix directory hierarchy of "org/gudy/azureus2/ui/tracker/templates" is *removed* leaving, for example, "index.tmpl" in the "web" directory.
Version Info:
2.1.10: Minor fix to RSS feed link URLs.
2.1.9: Updated translation.
2.1.7: Fix RSS feed URLs to pick up host name.
2.1.6: Fix URL encoding to use '%20' instead of '+' for spaces.

2.1.4: Patch to fix language selection bug in 2504.
2.1.2: Minor change to allow alternative channel creation.
2.1.1: Only generate RSS after all initialisation complete.
2.1: Bugfix.
2.0: Tracker refactoring and bugfixes, more IRC functions.
1.9: RSS feed category selection options.
1.8.8: More diagnostic info.
1.8.5: Fix single instance view problem.
1.8.4: Remove extra space in RSS enclosure urls.
1.8: irc ctcp info support.
1.7.11. Various small changes e.g. clickable IRC links.
1.7.10: Changes to IRC ID.
1.7.8: Added RSS auto-ident.
1.7.7: Renamed Irc plugin.
1.7.4: Added transfer stats.
1.7.3: Fixed charset encoding problem.
1.7.1: Better HTML encoding of non-ascii characters.
1.7: IRC fixes and improvements.
1.6.1: Sortable tracker pages; date added field.
1.5: Passive hosting options.
1.4: Options to generate magnets and category-specific feed content.
1.3.2: Bring tracker oldtheme.css up to speed and bugfixes.
1.3: Average progress added.
1.2: Added more stats (announce,scrape,bytes in, bytes out/sec).
1.1: fixed IE hover and added completed count to rss feed.
1.0: More natural sort order.
0.14: Made IRC login name based on Azureus version.
0.13: Added user-define tracker title; Made absolute torrent download url relative.
0.12: Added simple view (less columns) and switch.
0.11: New default style sheet and config; added tracker stats; category exclusion filter; separate RSS auth.
0.10: RSS feed generation support; ability to run web on separate port from tracker; ability to specify categories to publish.
0.8.8: sort torrents by name (within category if selected).
0.8.7: Added NAT status to details display.
0.8.6: added https/udp announce url support to upload facility.
0.8.5: change to seeding colour to make more legible.
0.8.4: show lightweight seeds stats.
0.8.3: Extended data upload to include torrents and integrity hashes.
0.8.2: data upload.
0.8.1:Simple category support.
0.8: Move config to plugin.
0.7.4:static/dynamic tracker plugins wrong way around so static pages didn't override.
0.7: Updates for update detection.
0.6: fix to URLEncode Tracker links properly.
0.5: Tracker - right click in MyTracker -> copy url to clipboard.
0.4: Tracker peers sorted descending on completion.
0.3: IRC plugin added.
0.2: include static page server.
0.1: Initial version
Plugin Version Minimum Vuze Version Required