Plugins > Automation: AzCron (an Azureus Task Scheduler)

AzCron (an Azureus Task Scheduler) v0.5.4

Released on 2014-01-23, 11 years ago.
AzCron is a plugin which allows you to configure tasks to be run repeatedly at specific times.

Tasks can be
. Pause/Resume Torrents
. Change Speed Limits
. Set Config Variables
. Restart Azureus
. Code your own actions with Jython
. Interact with other Plugins (e.g. backup your ScaneRSS config)

Requires Java 1.5 or higher
Version Info:
0.5.4: Allow settings for upload/download speed >= 100.
0.5.3: Removed dependency on SWT when in console mode.
0.5.1: Initial release.