Plugins > More Info & User-friendliness: NEWS - Network Early Warning System

NEWS - Network Early Warning System v2.0.1

Released on 2019-03-07, 6 years ago.
Requires Vuze or higher.
Allows your Vuze client to monitor the Internet (and your ISP).
Reliably finds problems in the network and raises alerts about them, which (among other things) allows users to check up on their ISPs to make sure they are getting the service they pay for.
NEWS (Network Early Warning System) works by passively monitoring BT performance and checking for changes that might indicate problems with the network. Because a network problem can be anywhere, including the local network, NEWS uses corroboration from multiple users running in the same area (e.g., ISP or country). If enough people see the same problem in the same area, an alarm is raised.

Please see here for more details.

NOTE: AquaLab collects statistics to help them analyse/improve the performance of the plugin, please see the disclaimer for details.

Java 5+ required.
Version Info:
2.0.1: Fix bug in network detection logic.
2.0: Improved detection logic; Reduced need for manual settings
1.3: Support RST detection in all languages.
1.1: Estimate the confidence in anomalies that are confirmed.
1.0.1: Improve accuracy of plugin's time reporting; updated German translation.
1.0: Fixed compatibility with Java 5 (works w/ Mac now); Added ability to turn off messages about network alerts; UI now maintains history of network problems when UI window is not open; German translation (thanks to Katrin Leinweber!)
0.9.5: Added online RST analysis to detect ISP interference (Windows-only for now, sorry); Added new logic for reducing false positives.
0.9: Improved anomaly detection to reduce false positives.
0.8: Fix reload fail after update bug.
0.7: Reduced latency probe frequency.
0.6: Remove debug.
0.5: Initial release.
Plugin Version Minimum Vuze Version Required